Sherbrook Primary School

Work Experience at Sherbrook

If you would like to undertake work experience placements at Sherbrook Primary School please read through the information below and send an email requesting a placement to

Before starting a placement here, please ensure you have read Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024 and our Health & Safety Policy (copies of these are on our Policies page) and our Staff Code of Conduct (this will be emailed to you).

Your placement Induction will cover:

  • Safeguarding at Sherbrook
  • Sherbrook Prevent Policy
  • Health & Safety
  • School procedures

On your initial email, please ensure you detail who you are, whether you are student or staff, which Sixth Form, College or University you are from, another means of contact besides email, what kind of placement you are looking for, number of hours / days etc and please tell us what course you are studying.

Please note that we only allow students from Year 12 and above to undertake placements here. Students who are over 18 will require an appropriate DBS check.

For students in Years 10 and 11 we plan to offer the opportunity for a single day visit - An Introduction into Specialist Provision. If you are a member of staff running a relevant course and would like to register your setting for one of these days, please fill out the short survey here.