Sherbrook Primary School

Explorer 4

Overview of class:

Welcome to Explorer 4 class. We are an ASC class. Our Teacher is Sarah. Our Teaching Assistant is Sam F. Yasmin, Ange (Mon-Tues), Sharon (Wed - Fri) and Emma are the ISA's. Sam E helps support us on a Friday.

Explorer 4 Staff

Autumn 1:

This half term we have been settling back into routines and getting to know new members of the class.

Our topic has been ‘People Who Help Us’ and we have started by doing ‘All About Me’ where we have looked at our faces, bodies and friends.  We have made our faces into puzzles and stuck them down onto paper and made figures of ourselves, adding clothes and our facial features. We are currently looking at ‘Houses and Homes’.

In maths, we have been learning about time. We have looked at our daily routines, things we do in the morning and things we do at night. Some children have done some fun activities in a certain amount of time, like how many unifix cubes can you put together in 30 seconds. We will then be looking at clocks and telling the time.

We have been practicing our phonics and reading skills and working hard on developing our communication skills.

We have enjoyed our cookery sessions on a Friday and have practiced spreading butter and choosing jam or peanut butter to put onto toast, and making a face onto bread.     


Autumn 2:

Next half term our topic is ‘Let’s Look out the Window’ and we will be learning about the weather, which should be fun.



We have PE on Tuesday afternoons; please can you send children in the PE kits on this day (jogging bottoms are fine in the cold weather)

On Monday afternoon, we have Outdoor Learning so please can you send your child in appropriate outdoor wear or send them in for us to put on in school along with spare clothes in case they get wet.

We have our library sessions on Thursday afternoons so can you please send their library books in for that day please.

Reading folders are required each week on Wednesdays so we can monitor their progress.

We are swimming this term on Thursday mornings so can you please send their swimming kits in for this day.

Please make sure the home school diary is sent in to school each day so we can tell you all the exciting things we have been doing during the day.

Explorer 4 class photos


Thank you for your continued support.