Explorer 3 Class
Welcome to Explorer 3. We are a Key Stage 2 complex needs class. Vicky is the Teacher. Emma C is the TA. Sophie, Zoe, Hayley and Anna are the ISAs.
Explorer 3 Staff
Autumn 1:
This half term we have been doing learning activities linked to the topics, ‘All about me’ and ‘Houses and Homes’. We have been getting to know our new peers, teachers and routines. We have shared a book called find your happy and talked about our feelings and have joined in songs relating to this topic. In Topic we are looking at different types of homes. We have also enjoyed the story about the three little pigs. We have made collages using straw, sticks and brick prints.
In English we are learning to use labels and captions, we are going to share a book called my mum and dad make me laugh, this also links to house and homes topic We are working through set one sounds in phonics and further where appropriate. We have enjoyed hearing and saying the sound with the switch, matching and posting the correct sounds. We have also listened to sounds and rhymes.
In Maths we are learning about time, so far, we have been recognising daytime and nigh time routines and have sequenced activities appropriately. We will at ordering days of the week and looking at different times in the day such as lunchtime, home time.
Autumn 2:
The topic next half term – Lets look out the window
- Please can you check your child’s bag for any letters, certificates or messages.
- - If you would like your child to have a snack, we can provide fruit or you could send a snack in.
- - Forest school – Monday.
- - PE lesson – Tuesday
- - Can you please name ALL of your child’s belongings.
- - Can you also send in spare clothes including sock’s everyday please.
- - As the weather starts to get colder please send in warm clothes, coats, hats and gloves.
Explorer 3 class photos
Thank you for your continued support.