Adventurer 3
Welcome to Adventurer 3. We are a mixed year 3 / 4 class. Steph is the class teacher. Kat is the TA. Sharon G, Jodi, Natasha (Mon/Wed/Fri) and Michelle B (Tues/Thurs) are the ISA's.
Adventurer 3 Staff
Autumn 2:
This half term our topic has been ‘Food glorious food’. All children have had lots of fun completing different activities. We have been learning to design a fruit salad and label our ingredients, to sort healthy and unhealthy foods, to sort Carnivores and Herbivores, to sort food to where it is kept and to identify where food comes from. We had the opportunity to experience and handle the animals who came to see us from ‘The Farm on Wheel’.
In English, we have been looking at and read ‘Funny bones’, ‘The Gruffalo’, ‘Wonky Donkey’ and ‘Stick man’. We have enjoyed exploring different activities related to the book and we have also enjoyed learning the days of the week and the months of the year.
In Maths, we have been working very hard this half term. All children have been learning to count forwards and backwards using a number line and from a given number, to use a number line to identify 1 less and 1 more, to identify groups with the same, fewer and more and to identify the amounts using more than and less than symbols.
In Forest Schools we explored our environment by watching our hot dogs being cooked on the fire, completing an obstacle course and creating a Poppy using tissue paper, playing in the snow and we had a snowball fight with our friends and handled the ice.
Spring 1:
- Please can you check your child’s folder for any letters, certificates or messages.
- - Please send reading books and reading records back in every day.
- - If you would like your child to have a snack, we can provide fruit or you could send a snack in.
- - Forest school – Wednesdays
- - PE lesson – Monday
- - Can you please name ALL of your child’s belongings (including shoes, hats, scarves, etc.)
Adventurer 3 class photos